What Is an Integrated Pest Management Plan and How It's Used in Agriculture
There are currently over two million farms across the United States. If you own or work on one of them, you already know pests can be a huge problem. Today, many farmers and ranchers are using an integrated pest management plan to protect their crops and livestock against this threat. When implemented properly, it can be far more effective and beneficial than traditional pest control methods. Keep reading to learn more about what the best integrated pest management methods are and how you can use them to improve your agricultural operation.
How to Keep Mice Away from Your Farm
Also, rodents like to make themselves at home in gardens, sheds, houses, and garages—where they eat, sleep, and breed.
When mice invade homes and farms, they cause a lot of damage by chewing through timber, fabric, wiring, and many other valuable items.
As a farm owner, you may want to get rid of the annoying pests through every means possible. This article offers helpful tips on how to keep mice away from your farm.