CyKill All Weather Bait Chunks
CyKill All Weather Bait Chunks

CyKill All Weather Bait Chunks

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Your Price: $46.50
Part Number: V58402825
Availability: In Stock (13)
CyKill All Weather Bait Chunks

Breaks the Cycle • Weather-Resistant

This all-weather bait block is paraffinized and resists water, wind, snow, high humidity and sun. Blocks may be placed in sewers and other damp environments. Can be used for both mice and rats. Center hole allows for easy placement in hard-to-reach areas.

(86) 0.75 oz blocks / Bag

Active Ingredient: Bromethalin

Fast Action • bait today, see results tomorrow

Stop feed • rodents stop feeding after consuming a lethal dose • this results in a comsumption of 80% less bait than traditional baits

No resistance • neurotoxicant formulation

Palatable • preferred over most feeds, food sources and competitive baits

Minimal concern regarding secondary toxicity

Fits into a rotational baiting program with Havoc and Ramik

Active Ingredients:
Bromethalin: CAS [63333-35-7] ............ ... ..................... ..0.01%
Inert Ingredients: ................. ..... ............ ...........................99.99%
TOTAL .............................. ..... .........................................100.00%

No shipping to AK or HI

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