Key Features:
Versatile Design: Jason Industrial's Accu-Link is a link belt developed as a modern alternative to traditional rubber V-belts. It combines robust strength and durability with easy assembly, making it a versatile choice for various applications.
Fast Replacement: Originally designed for quick replacements in case of belt breakage, Accu-Link has evolved to serve a wide range of original equipment applications.
Modular Assembly: Accu-Link is constructed from multiple interconnected links, allowing belts of any length in 5/8" width (5L) to be easily customized by adjusting the number of links.
Premium Materials: The links are crafted from polyurethane, reinforced by a multilayer woven polyester fabric. Precision manufacturing ensures high-quality link design and superior performance.
Easy Assembly & Installation: Accu-Link can be assembled without the need for tools and installed quickly, adapting to any length with ease.
Efficient Inventory Management: With Accu-Link, one roll can replace traditional V-belts of various lengths, streamlining inventory management and reducing costs.
High Performance: Accu-Link offers power ratings similar to traditional V-belts, ensuring reliable operation.
Durable in Harsh Conditions: Resistant to salt, chemicals, oils, and grease, Accu-Link outlasts standard rubber V-belts in challenging environments.
Wide Temperature Range: Accu-Link operates effectively in temperatures ranging from -13°F to +176°F (-25°C to +80°C).
Quiet & Smooth Operation: The independent link design results in quieter and smoother operation compared to classical V-belts.