Sewer Cleaning Nozzle
Sewer Cleaning Nozzle

Sewer Cleaning Nozzle

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Your Price: $8.50
Part Number: P6285SC45
Availability: In Stock (36)

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Sewer Cleaning Nozzles
5000 PSI

As pressurized water passes through the body and exits through the three rear facing jets a piercing jet exits the front puncturing any impasse. The three rear facing jets pull the nozzle through the pipe so feeding it is easy from your position at the entrance.
  • Backward ports drive the nozzle forward & flush debris while the forward port blasts into and breaks up clogs
  • Rotating style adds extra agitation & surface cleaning (can be found here)
  • Corrosion resistant stainless steel construction
  • 1/4" FPT
Be sure to see chart for proper sizing (Note: Not available in each size on chart)

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